
Miley Cyrus is engaged!!

I got lovely news just seconds after I opened up my laptop today. One of my favorite all-time celebs... Miley Cyrus just got engaged to Liam Hemsworth!! her boyfriend. yay! I really didn't expect this coming anytime soon, even though I always knew how madly in love they are together and how they're so perfect together (I even made a vid of it here a few months ago... she listened to me! lol), but didn't she say once how she dosen't plan on getting married yet? Anyway, I guess she figured it's better to make exciting things earlier than later... cuz who knows? Life's too short to be sitting around waitng years till you're of 'mature age' to be married. She's plenty mature for being the 19 year old she is!  And even better how they both dated for 3 years, they're not new to each other, they know each other inside out!  

So congrats Miley & Liam! or as I say... "MiLiam" 

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